Alina Davis

Teaching summer course in Evolutionary Biology

– April 15, 2019

I am super excited to teach a graduate course in Evolutionary Biology this summer as an instructor of record. This is a fully online course offered through the Master of Chemical and Life Sciences program (a content-based, professional master’s degree for middle and high school teachers, ranked #6 in the nation as best online master’s in biology programs). This is going to be a very interesting experience for me: I taught Evolutionary Biology as part of other courses before, but I have never taught it as a separate course. Also, this is my first time teaching online, and I am sure I will learn a lot!

The course has been offered for several years, so it has all the course materials set up. It includes various interactive assignments and discussions, as well as a final project which is a real lesson the teachers will demonstrate and will ‘take’ with them to their class. I really like this final part and that the teachers can create something new based on what they have learned, and they can apply it right away in their daily work. I am very much looking forward to teaching this summer course and meeting my new students!