Alina Davis

Guest Editor for Insects, special issue on molecular gut content analysis!

– September 16, 2019

I’m serving as a Guest Editor for journal Insects, Special Issue “Molecular Gut Content Analysis: Deciphering Trophic Interactions of Insects”. I’m co-editing this special issue with Dr. Bill Lamp. Our proposal for this special issue has been approved, and the special issue has just been announced on the journal’s website.

This Special Issue welcomes recent research on plant and animal DNA detection in the gut contents of insect herbivores and predators, respectively, as well as insect DNA detection in the gut contents of their predators, vertebrate or invertebrate. DNA-based protocols, short experimental reports, and original research articles, as well as review papers that broadly cover issues relating to molecular gut content analysis of various insect species (leaf-chewing insects, sap-feeders, soil-dwelling insects, etc.) and insect predators (both invertebrates and vertebrates) are of interest for this Special Issue. Studies that utilize both basic and advanced molecular biology methods are invited for submission.

The deadline for the submission is March 15, 2020. I’m planning to contribute to this special issue with some results of my DNA barcoding work, and I’m looking forward to receiving new submissions!